ARTIKEL PENDIDIKAN � Try to ask a student of any school, �Son, why must you attend each lessons in your school?�. I am definitely certain most of them will answer you, �Because I need to be smart. If I am smart, I�ll obtain good jobs. That�s what everyone wants to get�. Perhaps, you and I also have similar answer. When I was a child, my mother always sang this lullaby; Sekolaho sing pinter, tak dongakke besuk gedhe dadi dokter (Be smart, I�ll pray you�ll be a doctor then).
Every parent enrolls their son and daughter to school for this purpose. Nothing more gladdening than finding the lovely son gets a very good job. Apparently, no one who attends school intends to be �just� smart. Getting good job or not is not a big deal. The only purpose in attending the school is to abolish their and also other people�s stupidity. If they are smart, they hope they�ll live their lives much better.
But it sounds ridiculous. Where can we find this kind of people? Going to school just for getting smart? Be smart and you�ll be rich. That�s the pattern. People who study for the knowledge solely can be found only in fairy tale. Not in the real world.
Yesterday news told that 4.516.100 of 9.427.600 open jobless people in February 2008, were graduated from SMA, SMK, diploma and university. If school can�t pledge you good jobs, now, what is your purpose for going to school?

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