Learning Aid Services� Role

Final examination is aimed to increase the quality of Indonesian Education. We can say this because the minimal standard of pass is increased gradually in every year. The hope is, by increasing the standard, the dream of learning culture will occur. Unfortunately, people are used to living consumptive. They are not ready for this policy. Consumerism has taught them to ignore diligence, because we can get anything easily and fast. This is the time to get anything instantly.
Some people who know this condition change education from something that is everyone�s right to unreached business. Then, they cooperate with some schools. Many school agree. Schools get money from the business. Teachers are helped and the schools will pass all the students.
Learning aid services seems more interesting and more effective than the schools. The tutors are not only smart but also being sympathetic and trendy. Moreover, the tutor also teach some tricks to solve questions. The tricks solve the problems easier and faster. To solve differential problem, for instance. Teachers of schools use some phases to get the answer. But the tricks show a shortcut to the asnwer. Once again, easier and faster.
But, if we think for a moment, the money for shool, the help for teachers and students satisfaction are only short-term advantages. In the long-term, they are disasters. Let�s think about for a minute.
Student who are used to ease, even in studying, will have soft mentality. The question, will they be tough enough to face global hard competition. Countries like Korea, Japan, or Vietnam are famous with their hard-work. Today, they develop into Asian or even the world richest countries. Can our students run after them? No, they can�t if their soft mentality are not changed.
Now, let�s see the disadvantages of instant studying for the brain work. There is �Satori� in Japanese terminology. The word refers to a condition of thinking logically, imaginatively, and intuitively in unison. Brain�s potential is exploited maximally in this orde. The brain works maximally. To reach this high orde of thinking, someone must work hard and love what they do, do it continuously, discipline, diligently and with all the heart. Japan becomes so rich because all the japanese workers work in �Satori� orde.
In America �Satori� is known as flow. Dr. Csikzentmihalyi, a scientist, reported, as written by Daniel Goleman in his Emotional Intelligence, his experiment on flow : of 200 artists who had passed from art school, Csikzentmihalyi found that they who became serious painters were those who enjoyed painting when they were students. Those who attended art school because of dream of popularity and wealthy, most of them left the art after graduation. Creativity depends on heart and mind totality.
The scientist�s experiment above shows us that the best result of learning achieved when learning has turned into habit, not learning for passing the examination. So, in the long-term, no advantages from instant learning as learning aid services offer. For that reason, the process of education in the schools must be changed soon. So the schools stay in creating and developing learning culture. The process of learning must be arranged well so every students can enjoy. Besides that, creating emotional relationship between the schools and the students, making good relationship between teachers and students, and eliminating bullying must be done. An experiment showed that students learn well if the lesson is satisfying, chalanging, friendly and the students have opportunity to decide.
Teachers should move from their comfort zone. If they still enjoy teaching with old-fashioned way like threatening, insulting, or even beating to discipline their students, it�s time for them to teach sympathetically, to understand the students, to listen and to respect them. If the teachers still teach by using the old technic, it is time for teachers to adopt new effective technic. We must remember that something can be useless right now although it was proven effective in the past. Indeed, we need an extra power to leave our comfort zone, but we hope it can bring teachers� prestige back.

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