When Iwan Fals was asked about his willingness to run for a legislative or even presidential seat, he answered that he was incapable of running a country. In fact, he has many fans that would support him if he decided to be a candidate in presidential election. But that was his decision. The choice he chose shows us that he has reached fully grown of mind. He knows more about himself than we do. And I think he picked a right choice.
I am sure you have heard about some celebrities who named a candidate for legislative. Some of them said that it was not their intention. But the party put up them for those posts. The rests said that they had moral duty to participate in politics. That was the only way for them to do more for the public. Politic called them to solve many problems faced by the people.
But can they be those politicians? The showbiz world and politics are two which are too much different. Do they have capability to struggle for people�s necessities? Indeed, an artist has popularity and a lot of fans who idolize him or her. But those are not enough. Maybe they say that they will learn quickly. But people will not wait.
Who are we? and What can we do? are two questions that we must asked ourselves anytime. If we realize who we are and what we can do, I am certain we will not step on the wrong way. If we are not capable to do something then why must we compel ourselves? Isn�t it better for somebody else who has that kind of capability takes the position? And we take what we can take?
In any occasions and any places, we should say, �Here, I am. That�s not me!�

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