Parents are always in a dither whenever they must send their son or daughter to a new school. They must spend a lot of money, that�s the reason. A newspaper said that parents must pay Rp. 1, 000, 000, 00 just for books. It�s so expensive.
Indonesian Government knows this problem and comes with a solution. The government bought some book copyrights and uploaded the book onto internet. Parents and school are free to download the books. EBook is much cheaper than printed books. For a while we are sure that this is the answer for many parents� problem.
But we are wrong. Downloading the EBook from the internet is not as easy as we think. Most Indonesians are not familiar with internet yet. Computers which are connected with internet are difficult to be found in most village or remote area. Moreover, the EBook has big capacity. It needs much time to download.
EBook is not the best source for students yet. That�s my conclusion. I think the government has to make printed book cheaper for every student. How can we learn without books? Books are primary things. If most Indonesian students can�t access book easily, good education will be farther of hope.

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